You can earn your lifestyle points this week by writing and completing one thing you must do each day, as well as two things that you’d like to get done, and three things that would be nice to get done.
Each week a meaningful sponsor will help us make for a rich challenge experience. This lifestyle challenge is brought to you by our friends at Cherry Hero Bar.
Cherry Hero is not only a healthy, real food bar, it supports a good cause, as well. David Boyle, the company’s founder and young DEUCE athlete, came up with the idea after visiting Africa. His coffee experience led him to the story of the coffee cherry, which is an antioxidant rich part of the fruit that is discarded in the process of sourcing coffee beans. Cherry Hero bars take advantage of the nutritional upside of the fruit as well as help coffee farmers double their yield.
This week’s challenge winner will receive a prize pack from Cherry Hero. Play to win!
Logan Gelbrich
2/23/15 WOD
Complete the following for time:
15 Cleans [155/105]
30 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Pullups
30 DB Push Presses [40/25]
30 Pushups
15 Thrusters [135/95]
30 Double Unders
30 Burpees