This Sunday February 22nd we’ll be taking over lululemon’s flagship Santa Monica store. Join us on the 3rd Street Promenade for a full day (11AM-5PM) of good food, beverages, and people.
Whole Life Challenge compliant dishes will be prepared by the team at Scopa Italian Roots, single origin, single estate coffee will be provided by Caveman Coffee Co, and Cherry Hero bar will be providing WLC approved snack bars.
We’ll also have new exclusive lululemon/ DEUCE Gym cobranded pieces for men and women, including pants and a new limited edition shirt for which the proceeds will go to Stoked Mentoring, a foundation that serves inner city youth with college and career readiness with a touch of action sports.
As if this event couldn’t get any better, we will be educating shoppers with movement workshops and demos. Come join in on the fun this Sunday!
And, of course, “hold the standard.”
Logan Gelbrich
2/18/15 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:45 Ring Rows
-Rest :15-
:45 Russian KB Swings
-Rest :15-
:45 HS Hold
-Rest :15-
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
10 Alternating DB Snatches [50/30]
12 Toes to Bar
200m Run