I read a book called “Living Big” by Pam Grout. Its a phenomenal book, and it has a ton of little motivational stories in it. I wanted to highlight one of them, and talk a bit about what we can do in our lives, in our own little corner of the universe to make this place better for everyone else. Instead of fighting and trying each day to make things better for ourselves, maybe we can spend a little time giving back.
In one chapter she says…
“In January 1959, a thirty year old eighth-grade dropout from Detroit borrowed $800 from a family savings plan to by a house—not an unusual goal of a man of his age. Only this enterprising thirty-year-old had his sights set a little higher. He was going to use that unassuming two-story house to start a record company.”
“The man, of course, is Berry Gordy, the record company is Motown, and the plan, well, let’s just say that it worked. Between 1959 and 1972, Gordy’s Motown released 535 singles, 75 percent of which made the pop charts. From a recording studio that’s barely larger than a king-sized bed, Gordy produced 60 number one hits before he moved to Hollywood and sold Motown to MCA Records for $61 million.”
What an incredible story! But it’s not my point, and not Grout’s point either. The place to draw our attention to is the opportunity that Gordy created for others.
“But not even Gordy could have known that when he recruited a nineteen-year-old Smokey Robinson and his school quartet, the Matadors (later to become the Miracles), he was launching once of the biggest musical phenomenon of our times.”
“Had Berry Gordy been content to plug longest at a Detroit auto plant, one of many jobs he tried before starting Motown, he would have never plucked Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder and hundreds the other poor black kids out of the ghetto.”
Now THAT is what I am talking about! Taking a personal risk that lays the groundwork for others to succeed. Showing others the talent that they possess. This is AWESOME!
I bet we all can remember the day someone told you that they believed in you, whether it be a parent, a coach, a child hood friend, or just someone on the street. These are the things that matter. We don’t all have to start Motown like Gordy did, but there are people in your life that sure could use the encouragement that you have.
Think about the bigger ripple that ensued because of this. All of the astonishing success that came out of Motown. How many people do you think know the words to “Ain’t to Proud to Beg” or “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough?” Thanks, Berry.
$800 doesn’t quite seem like such a big deal anymore. We all have these fleeting thoughts during the day. Our creative self trying to get out. The urge to do something different. What if your idea what the next proverbial Motown, not for your benefit, but for others? Would you go for it? I believe that if your purpose makes others successful, that you would be just fine.
Next time those things show up in your mind, jot them down. Think about them a little. Hell, draw a picture. If you start making space for these things, you start to change your direction.
Kudos to Pam Grout once again, her book “Living Big” rocks!
Danny Lesslie
2/17/15 WOD
Spend 20 minutess on the muscle up…
Then, complete 4 rounds for rep of:
In :90..
6 Strict Presses [105/75]
12 Hanging DB Walking Lunges [40/20]
Max Burpees
**Rounds start every 2 minutes