Here’s the thing…
When you got into this, you didn’t know what you didn’t know. Surely, though, with each day you’re learning more about your body, what it’s capable of, how it works, and what things you can do to improve. Chances are you thought fitness was one thing and now you may understand it as something different.
When you first got here your goals and aspirations were made based on what you knew and what you thought you didn’t know, except there was no way you could consider all the things you weren’t aware existed. It’s worth noting that this is a powerful opportunity.
Since you have new perspective you can now make new judgements and have new goals. Let me ask you, has your wish list of aspirations changed with your perspective? Is it possible that there’s more to this even still? Does it end?
Logan Gelbrich
2/11/15 WOD
Complete the following for time:
20 Hang Power Cleans [155/105]
3 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
20 DB Shoulder to OH [40/25]
20 Hang Power Cleans