The high school version of me was talented, hard working but very light, slow, weak (to say the least), and very unwilling to speak in front of groups. The college version of myself with heavy, stronger, and ready to fail any basic doctor’s physical with injury and/or high blood pressure. The professional baseball player version of me was lighter, weaker, and very intellectually uninvolved.
Today, I’m stronger, heavier, faster, more flexible, and most resistant to injury. I don’t have high blood pressure and I talk to groups of people for a living. I also get to ask big questions and solve problems on a daily basis.
I’m still me but, boy, this has been an evolution.
To get right down to it, we all naturally would like to evolve ourselves. After all, there isn’t really much else to do while we’re logging time here on Earth, is there?
What would you like the next evolution of you to be? Is it mostly physical, or are there other kinds of evolutions you’d like to see, too?
Logan Gelbrich
2/4/15 WOD
Even: 2 Back Squats [AHAP]
Odd: 10 Strict Pullups