Do you know that feeling when your actions are “justified?” It feels good, right? In that way, everyone wants to justify why things deviate from the plan. They’ll say, “Man, I totally was going to do that thing that I said I was going to do, but you wouldn’t believe what happened…”
Here’s the tricky thing, though. Sometimes things are justified. You said you’d be somewhere at 11AM and you cancelled because a Cessna crashed into your house. I think that’s justified. But, what about when you cancel because Obama is in town and traffic was “like you could’t believe?” Is that justified?
I guess you’d have to be the judge. The trouble is you’re dancing with the devil if you’re the guy or girl that there’s always something. There’s always a reason or a story. Chances are, if you’re that guy, the judges aren’t all giving you a perfect ten in the “Justified” category.
Whether it is work, training, nutrition, relationships, or pick-up-basketball, don’t be the guy with a damn reason why you screwed up. Leave no doubt and show up.
Logan Gelbrich