The Whole Life Challenge is underway. With 120 men and women making up Team DEUCE, the next eight weeks is going to be a great story of transformation and hard work.
Each week we’ll announce the rotating “lifestyle point.” This week’s lifestyle point can be earned by practicing ten minutes or more of “Mindfulness.” As we like to say, “It starts with the mind.” You’d be surprised at how much success you can have when you’re organized between the ears. Take ten minutes a day to meditate. It will take a focused mind to excel during the stressors of this challenge.
Each week a meaningful sponsor will help us make for a rich challenge experience. This lifestyle challenge is brought to you by our friends at Caveman Coffee Co. Their single origin, single estate beans appease even the most discerning coffee aficionados.
Caveman Coffee doesn’t just do coffee, either. The Double C’s have been a beacon for a performance lifestyle rooted in revolutionary-like questioning of common American misconceptions in nutrition and exercise. Visit their website for coffees, teas, lifestyle products, and high quality ingredients to enrich your coffee experience.
We’ll award one key player from this week with an awesome prize from Caveman Coffee, so play to win!
Logan Gelbrich
1/19/15 WOD
Complete the following for time:
800m Run
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pull-ups
Barbell Lunges