WLC: Everyone Should Play ‘Performance’

Everyone should play the Whole Life Challenge and everyone should choose the ‘Performance’ level. For those of you that don’t know the WLC is an 8-week lifestyle challenge that is measured by improvement in three areas: body transformation, performance, and adherence to a lifestyle game.

The key word above is improvement. With one word, this entire undertaking becomes relative. The fittest of the fit can learn and get a ton out of this along side the most unhealthy people out there. 20140813-Thumbnail

The challenge offers a tiered set of playing options for the lifestyle game, which makes up the bulk of the challenge. The game is 56 days of daily logging of points, which are connected via the website to a real time scoreboard and interactive experience with the hundreds of people from our community playing along and the thousands of folks from other communities playing along.

I’ve had experience with the WLC since it’s inception as simply a gym wide challenge at with our friends at CFLA. Now, in it’s international online format, I see common misconceptions about how to go about the challenge. The biggest mistake I see over and over again is that people make it about the points and the score, when in actuality this is a game that provides context, education, and awareness.

If you’re signing up to get a great score, you’re missing the point.

Sign up and sign up for the performance level. Let it be hard. Miss points, struggle, and get a real look at what’s happening in your life. Signing up, getting a perfect score, and not learning about what’s really happening with your behavior would be a bigger mistake than not signing up at all.

Sign up with our team here. It all starts January 16th!


Logan Gelbrich


1/6/15 WOD

4 Box Jumps (AHAP)

-Rest 1 Min-

2 Back Squats (AHAP)

-Rest 1 Min-

100’ Sandbag Front Carry (AHAP)

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