That’s right. The once in a lifetime educational opportunity of learning the Conjugate Method from none other than Laura Phelps Sweatt and Shane Sweatt here in Venice Beach now comes with an opportunity to attend for FREE! All you have to do is win our contest.
The seminar is slated for January 31st and February 1st here at DEUCE Gym. Online registration is open through CrossFit HQ here.
To enter our contest to win a FREE spot, you must:
1) Follow @deuce_gym on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
2) Post your most creative strength-minded photo
3) Caption –> “I want to learn how to get #ConjugateStrong at @deuce_gym Jan. 31st!”
Naturally, if you don’t have any one of the listed forms of social media, you’re not required to enroll in it. The quality of the photo and your shares will determine the winner. The contest has been underway for a few weeks now and competition is fierce, so get to it!
Logan Gelbrich
12/12/14 WOD
3, 6, 9, 12…
Double DB Hang Cleans (50/30)
Toes to Bar