I often have a distaste for conspiracy theorists and ridicule activities who seem more bored than critical thinkers. Often, I worry that this blog becomes a fitness flavored version of that from the outside looking in. Am I taking that role? I roll my eyes even at the thought of being called that. Yet, I know everything we have to say is genuine, but if there were any doubt about the contrast between the work we do at DEUCE and the information being passed around to Americans from positions of authority, consider this.
I just calculated my body mass index, which is (second to the food pyramid) one of the most laughable concepts instated by both the public and private sector in the United States regarding health. My BMI indicates that I’m overweight, and tipping toward the edge of becoming obese.
Consider that not only does this place emotional energy and tangible resources in the wrong places for Americans, it’s also simply incorrect. Not only is the information incorrect, it’s information that matters. Body mass index is often used to determine insurance programs and evaluate health risks in public and private sectors. It’s a piece of the puzzle in diagnoses, treatment plans, and even prescriptions.
If this is the case, how much responsibility do you need to take to navigate waters this clouded with terrible information? Sitting back and developing a health and fitness strategy based on commonly distributed concepts around the country could literally get you killed.
Take charge. Ask questions.
Logan Gelbrich
12/8/14 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
400m Run
11 Back Squats (~65% 1RM)