We seem to stumble into some incredible firsts around here. Well, our latest partnership with lululemon is nothing short of just that. lululemon has only partnered with one gym to produce and print apparel for. Can you guess it?
That’s right! DEUCE.
We will now be retailing select lululemon items, on which they’ve printed the iconic <2> logo. Look for more styles in the near future. As of today, the men’s ‘Core Shorts’ and the women’s ‘Speed Shorts’ are available.
Thank you to lululemon, who’s unwavering support of our brand is entering its third year.
Logan Gelbrich
12/2/14 WOD
Complete the following for time:
50 Seated DB Press (50/30)
3 Rounds:
100’ Sandbag Front Carry (AHAP)
15 Knees to Elbows
100 Squats