In many cases, a black or white perspective can be harmful. Thinking in terms of “all or nothing” often leaves behind key grey areas, especially for complex issues. Your health, however, can benefit from a little tough love every now and then.
It’s black and white.
Either you’re improving or you’ve got reasons why you aren’t improving. Naturally, as a coach, I hear a lot of reasons. At the end of the day, remember this:
There are no number of reasons for not training on Earth that will replace training itself.
There will be no shortage of opportunities to decide you don’t make enough money, have enough time, or feel good enough to work for the things that, in the back of your mind, you want. It’s unfair to say, “I want to be fit, but I don’t have enough [anything].” The difference between those who do and those who don’t is simply what they’ve decided.
What have you decided?
Logan Gelbrich
11/25/14 WOD
Shoulder Press
Complete 8 rounds for time of:
5 DB Thrusters (35/20)
100′ Shuttle Run
**Rounds begin every :90