You hear versions of the same idea often: “We don’t know how much we impact others.” Your words, actions, and energy are projected out more often, further, and faster than ever, especially with the prevalence of communication via social media.
Just last week we had the pleasant surprise of seeing an article about our “Hold the Standard” concept circle the internet. It was written after one out-of-town coach’s experience visiting DEUCE Garage last July. He had just one conversation with Emily and the magnitude of what resonated in him led to a comprehensive insight into CrossFit, gym culture, and how DEUCE was affecting that.
Who would have thought?
Our place in other people’s lives is often far more significant than we assume. What if you assumed that everyone in your circle emulated you? With that in mind would you change anything about the way you act around co-workers? Family? Strangers?
Logan Gelbrich
11/24/14 WOD
3 Man Makers (45/20)
6 Pull Ups
-Rest 3 min-
3 Man Makers (45/20)
6 Pull Ups