“UGH! I’m tired of being weak. 2015 is my year!”
If you haven’t said it out loud, I assure you that you’ve thought about being stronger. In fact, raise your hand if you’re already “strong enough.”
[Take a moment to notice zero hands in the air.]
Have no fear. Strength is a life long pursuit. Luckily for us, there are just a few key lifts to get strong. At the end of the day, strong people deadlift, squat, and press large loads. It’s guaranteed.
Coincidentally, these three lifts are competitive powerlifting and we’re playing host to the best in the powerlifting world here at DEUCE. When you squat, deadlift, and press improve, so does literally everything else in the gym.
Join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity here at 110 Lincoln. The CrossFit Powerlifting Seminar will be held January 31st and February 1st. Sign up here!
Logan Gelbrich
11/19/14 WOD
6 Attempts:
:20 Star Agility Drill
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
12 DB Overhead Walking Lunges (50/30)
4 Bar Muscle Ups