Throughout history, early settlements have leveraged their communities for survival and development in areas that would be improbable any other way. Tribes, villages, and the like made tasks like finding, storing, and preparing food efficient. These communities also crowd sourced their “each other-ness” to develop infrastructure and buildings that would be daunting without the help of the group. Basic needs like self defense and clothing, too, were made possible with organized groups. Imagine being saddled with any one of these tasks on your own!
Well, today we’ve got infrastructure, safety, clothes, and food without much thought. The landscape has changed of our most important needs has changed but there are still basic needs we can leverage our communities for.
Just like history has shown, communities make the improbable possible. In general, we’re failing the the realm of health and fitness, for example. With communities, however, we can make the daunting task of losing weight, eating right, or getting strong more attainable.
If you’ve yet to embrace the community here at DEUCE Gym, I can assure you that it’s impossible that you’re experiencing anything near what’s possible. Soak up what’s around you. Everything else is made easy.
Logan Gelbrich
11/18/14 WOD
Complete the following for time:
400m Run
-Rest 2 min-
400m run
-Rest 2 min-
400m Run
-Rest 2 min-
400m Run
The, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Seated DB Presses
15 Banded KB Swings