Earlier this week I had an ‘Intro Session’ with a prospective student. During the ‘Intro’ he asked whether or not the students here did lots of other activities like marathons, cycling, or other sports. While he asked me, he looked around the gym visibly intimidated by the “normal” body type he saw. Everyone was strong and athletic looking in class.
I answered his question honestly saying, “No, most people have regular jobs without a career in physical activity. A couple folks here are serious athletes outside of the gym, but most students are regular people just looking to get fit for life.”
Later that day, I took class and noticed during our warm up run at how physically imposing this class was, too. I thought to myself, “Are we a gym of fitness savvy athletes?”
Then, it hit me.
I wasn’t lying earlier. But, so many of you look the part of ex-collegiate athletes and current triathlete studs that it looks like that is the case. Now, I remember many of you on your ‘Intro Sessions’ and the fact of the matter is you just don’t look the same. We aren’t a gym for elite athletes but, by the looks of it, you all are noticeably on your way.
It was a real moment of pride. Seeing Greg and Nate and Antonia and Deb and Monty and Eric and Ewan and everyone else walking around with muscles and posture. You all inspire me. Keep changing!
Logan Gelbrich
11/13/14 WOD
Weighted Pull Ups
Weighted Dips
Then, complete the following for time:
3 rounds:
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
15 Toes to Bar
400m Run