There is something that continually goes on, and it blows my mind every time. If the workout that we are doing asks for athletes to do 40 reps, why the hell are there humans intentionally shorting their rep count? What the hell is the validation? I understand that some athletes scale reps to make the workload appropriate, and I understand that some people lose count now and then. Just to be clear, I am referring to someone intentionally shorting the reps to make it appear that they have completed the work faster. This is definitely something that doesn’t go unnoticed.
This undercuts all that we do. This is a place of learning, and a place to get better. We are all here to work on something. Part of learning is failing. And, part of failing is not “winning” everyday in class. It’s the dishonesty of the whole thing that bothers me. How do you claim something that you know is not yours? People routinely look at the board for cues about weights that they should do, and how others (those that they look up to) scale their workouts. It is a tool, a tool to use, and a tool to learn from. What happens, though, if it is all lies?
There are a whole lot of people here, and they are a whole lot of “Awesome.” I promise this has nothing to do with the numbers that they put up on that whiteboard daily. The “Win” is in the struggle, it’s in the journey, it’s in the fight to get better. We are all better because we grow together. Here is an honest invitation to do all the reps. Here is an honest invitation to join the Revolution that is going on here. This is not a place for dishonesty. We see it.
You all rock!
Danny Lesslie
11/6/14 WOD
9 Strict Pull Ups
12 Double Unders