Though I can’t take credit for the idea, as a fellow DEUCE Gym athlete turned me onto it sometime ago, I’d like to share with you some theoretical motivation to start the big project you’re putting off. You know, it’s the one that is your passion. It’s what you really want to do. It’s big and scary. I know, believe me. I know.
It’s called the Hiding Hand Principle. Economist Albert O. Hirschman coined the term. The principle goes on to say that most people are unable to fully understand the magnitude and scope of any challenging undertaking. In that way, even those that choose to take on the large project use the momentum and time investment into the project to blast though sticking point and other challenges that present themselves along the way.
The message to understand here is that though many can empathize with the paralyzing wonder of the magnitude of any big undertaking’s challenges, it’s only those that start that can be tricked into the perseverance it takes to finish the job.
Start today.
Logan Gelbrich
10/28/14 WOD
Complete the following for time:
50 Air Squats
800m Run
-Rest 5 min-
50 Air Squats
800m Run
-Rest 5 min-
25 Air Squats
400m Run
-Rest 2 min-
25 Air Squats
400m Run