Imagine if you had this information and training available to you in your teens and early twenties! As many of you know by now, DEUCE Garage is no longer one of a kind. DEUCE Athletics is working hard with young athletes in Torrance, CA on a daily basis and they are getting all the same quality training and information that you are. It’s a place that’s revolutionizing team sport athletes’ strength and conditioning.
With an established following and packed classes, DEUCE Athletics is looking to continue it’s incredible momentum November 4th with a FREE workout at 5:00PM. This is open to the public and we’d like to extend this invitation to anyone you know that is an athlete of any kind. Whether it’s volleyball, baseball, softball, football, rock climbing, or golf, the highest level conversation of human movement is happening at DEUCE Athletics.
Help us spread the good news!
Questions?: info@deuceathletics.com
Logan Gelbrich
10/24/14 WOD
Complete 2 rounds for time:
400m Run
40 Double Unders
40 Air Squats
20 Pull-ups
-Rest 3 min-