Nearly three and a half years ago, a movement started with this community. We kicked this snowball down the mountain and it’s been gaining speed, size, and momentum ever since. We’re proud to announce that, yet again, we’re growing.
Many of you have enjoyed DEUCE Garage in Venice Beach the last fourteen months. Well, the brand is growing. This time in Torrance.
DEUCE Athletics is fully operational with hundreds of young athletes, mostly baseball players, having the most progressive strength and conditioning conversation we know of.
Human movement is our passion and when you see that <2> logo, it means something. Chris Pascual and Ronnie Lopez are two prized students in the instructor training program and they have developed quite a program in Torrance. The DEUCE Staff is working together with head coaches Chris and Ronnie to change the landscape of youth strength and conditioning just down the 405 freeway in a big way.
We ask that you follow their journey to spread knowledge and performance the DEUCE way!
Questions? Email info@deuceathletics.com
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Logan Gelbrich
10/9/14 WOD
Turkish Get-Up
EMOM 10:
2 TGUs (70/53)
*Alternating R/L each round
Complete the following for time:
60 Wall Ball (20/14)
30 KB Swings (53/35)
60 Sit Ups
30 Hand Release Push Ups
600m Run
30 Burpees