Sweating and breathing hard is cool and all, but I think that our Make Sh*t Happen goal setting course that Coach Lindsey runs is the most important thing we offer here. Call me crazy, but at the end of the day we all have bigger fish to fry than what are pull ups look like. Life, inside and outside of the gym, is either happening to you or you’re taking charge of it yourself.
In that way, MSH is a goal setting group that provides context, structure, and incredible people to facilitate getting incredibly important, even audacious, goals accomplished. Want a little insider information? These goals usually aren’t even fitness related. Anything goes!
If you’re interested, join us Wednesday night at 8PM for a workshop that will look back and the last 90 days and set up some small, measurable action steps for the next 30, 60, and 90 days to come.
Let’s make some sh*t happen!
Logan Gelbrich
9/30/14 WOD
Pause Power Snatch
Complete 5 rounds for time of:
200m Run
11 Sandbag Over the Shoulder Efforts (95/60)
**Rounds start every 3 minutes