FACT: A Twelve Pack is Heavy

“Start the car! This is heavy, alright?!”

That’s what the woman in front of me in line at CVS screamed to her husband late last night. She had a twelve pack of waters on the counter with her arms wrapped around the sides in anticipation for a grueling walk to the car. You could tell she didn’t know if she could make it. I’m not patronizing her, either. She meant it, and to her it was heavy.

As I stood there waiting to pay hearing this, I saw opportunity. At the end of the day, what is heavy and what isn’t heavy is relative. If, however, twenty pounds of water is alarmingly heavy for someone in their forties, we’re leaving a great deal of potential on the table. But, that’s neither here nor there.

My concern isn’t the strength, or lack there of. Actually, my concern is the approach. It’s the perspective. I’d be willing to bet that more folks than not in this position would have decided that a twelve pack of water is heavy and that’s just the way that it is. I mean we’re not all expected to be bodybuilders, right? Fewer people, if any, would be concerned that a twelve pack of water is now some sort of challenge in his/her life, which for this woman it was. These few people might wonder why a twelve pack of waters brings adversity to their lives.

With a worldview of opportunity and abundance, twelve packs of water don’t have to be heavy. With a worldview of opportunity and abundance, you can be in control. You don’t have to draw the short straw of age, illness, or happenstance. You get to decide your reality. These can even be heavy now, but with some improvement they can be a walk in the park later even.

With a fixed mindset, we’ve got to start that car and hope for the best because we’ve got a twelve pack of water in our hands, people. It’s a mindset where things happen to you. There’s no control. You’re an observer to your life and sometimes that means you’re a victim.

If we had more and more people wondering the answer to questions like, “How strong can I get?” or “How much responsibility can I take for my life?” we’d live in an entirely different existence.


Logan Gelbrich


9/17/14 WOD

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes, complete the following for time:
:20 Fast feet
10 Squats
20 Lateral Jumps
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

Then, complete four rounds for time:
8 Hanging Leg Raise 
25 DBL KB Swings (53/35)

**Athletes pay a penalty (200m run) if the athlete breaks on the KB swings


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