There’s no doubt that technology has infiltrated nearly every corner of our lives. It’s our view, however, that it can be a positive thing and even an opportunity. DEUCE Gym is as far from a tech brand as you can imagine, but without our ability to share what we do on a daily basis, one could argue that we might not even be here today.
That’s why we’ve decided to share our story with AT&T’s Business Circle small business contest. Our resident videographer, Jose Jimenez, has beautifully captured DEUCE Gym and the role of technology in our community in a short two-minute piece that will compete against other small business’ exposes.
If you enjoy the feature, take a moment to vote for us here: DEUCE Gym
Keep sharing the beauty of your lives with others, because “”Unless we share this… this magical thing that’s happening out here, maybe no one knows it ever happened. And, maybe it doesn’t happen.”
Logan Gelbrich
9/15/14 WOD
Even: 7 Bent-Over Row
Odd: 9 Dynamic Pushups
Complete 5 rounds for time:
50’ Sandbag Front Carry (150/95)
200’ Shuttle
50’ Sandbag Front Carry
**Rounds begin every two minutes