I was thinking, in a very basic way, that outside of childhood many folks aren’t afforded too many opportunities to be fast. We don’t really run play much tag these days. Most sporting activities are done for us, as well, unless it’s a local 5K or marathon. It feels like this element of speed is a thing of the past for most adults.
Unless you’re a lucky one to be enrolled in a pick basketball game here and there or some other athletic endeavor of speed, most of your activity is without jumping, sprinting, diving, and other “fast” activities. Speed, like strength, is one of these valuable assets that can be dosed accordingly, but if more speed (or strength) is demanded of you than you are capable of there’s no chance for success.
If your life is deficient of speed, today’s your day to practice being fast. The snatch is arguably the fastest movement in sports, so if you’re searching for one focal point amongst all the intricacies of the movement you can think: SPEED!
Logan Gelbrich
8/27/14 WOD
3 attempts:
Max Veritcal Jump
*Rest as needed
In 10 minutes, complete as many unbroken rounds of the following as possible:
6 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (AHAP)
4 Hang Power Snatches
2 Overhead Squats