Leave it to the ladies to lead the way for the DEUCE Gym competition scene. DEUCE Racing is the organization of men and women at the gym that use their training here to compete in the community. The competition doesn’t need to be in the world of fitness, but this Saturday that’s exactly what eight of our talented women are going to do.
Red Wolf CrossFit in Huntington Beach is hosting an exciting fitness competition only for women. Femme Royale is many things. It’s a clothing brand, it’s a series of empowering events for women, and it’s a movement. Our close friend Gilly Smith created Femme Royale and whether you’re competing this weekend or not, it’s a brand worth getting behind.
You can find all the competition details here. We encourage you to join the caravan down to Huntington Beach this weekend to support our ladies!
Logan Gelbrich
8/21/14 WOD
Sumo Stance Box Squat
3 rounds for reps of:
:60 KB Snatches (70/53)
-Rest :30-
:60 Sledgehammer Strikes
-Rest :30-
:60 Thrusters (95/65)
-Rest 1 minute-