I haven’t necessarily received an “A for effort” in the leisure category lately. Though I don’t want any sympathy here, the point I’m trying to make is I’ve been feeling a bit beat down as of late. As they say, “All work and no play…,” right?
Yesterday morning, I woke up as if my night of sleep was a cat nap. That early morning pain always hits so deep, doesn’t it? I have flash backs to morning wake up calls for weight training in college. Every inch of you just wants to sleep and recover, but that’s not an option.
I headed to the gym and arrived in the middle of one of the morning classes, and instantly I had energy and motivation in my veins.
There were ten motivated faces jumping rope and that unmistakable DEUCE energy in the air. The rest was history. It was a productive day in the making that, just moments earlier, felt like a less-than-probable trek.
I guess I just wanted to say thank you. You aren’t the only ones that benefit from the magic around here.
Logan Gelbrich
8/15/14 WOD
Complete 10 rounds:
In one minute..
400′ shuttle (50′ out/back)
Max Double KB Clean and Presses (53/35)
-Rest 1 minute-