The above video is old school as it gets in the CrossFit world. It’s from a Level 1 seminar in the early days of CrossFit well over a decade ago. It’s a brilliant display of the same task (shoulder to overhead) in three different ways progressing in skill from the shoulder (strict) press to the push press to the push jerk.
First, the athlete is tasked with the job of accumulating as many reps in the strict press as possible. Interestingly, however, when he cannot complete a single rep in the strict shoulder press he is still able to continue with the added hip drive of the push press. As you can see, however, the push press eventually fails, as well. When he is too fatigued to successfully perform a single push press, he is only able to accomplish the task with the push jerk (receiving the bar with bent knees) and standing up with the bar overhead.
In addition, as the athlete reached complete failure, you’ll notice that he wasn’t able to even consider attempting the previous movement as the chance for success was out of the question.
Understanding the functionality of these movements is key in learning and applying the press, the push press, and the push jerk. It will be critical to your success today specifically.
Logan Gelbrich
8/8/14 WOD
Strict Press
Push Press
Split Jerk
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run