Surely, we aren’t training for the military. There’s not a championship to be won, either. However, I think there’s something to be said for keeping not just you, but your class on track.
Imagine your training environment at DEUCE. Now, imagine your training environment at DEUCE with a twist. As an experiment, how would you feel if you never saw the same classmate twice? Everyone except you was new every time.
It’s weird, right? There’s something about ending a long day of work and showing up to class with the usual suspects. This experience is only natural. It feels like “team.” There’s more accountability training with folks you know. In addition, it’s more fun and includes more layers of empathy if you have some sort of relationship or interaction with the men and women in your class.
Just yesterday, I was witness to an evening class that showed some real signs that the class had gelled. There was chatter of encouragement and personal comments directed to help.
Don’t think for one minute this isn’t valuable to you and your success. In that way, it’s in your best interest to claim your class, look out for your fellow athletes, and keep everyone pointed towards success. Not only does this make the community better, but it makes you better.
Do you have a classmate that slipping? Reach out! See someone that’s having a rough time? Pick them up!
Hold the standard.
Logan Gelbrich
8/1/14 WOD
Complete the following for time:
Run 400m
15 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
Run 400m
15 Ground-to-Shoulder
Run 400m