Thank goodness we meet up to practice feats of strength together, because I’m really starting to gather that the best element of what we do is seeing greatness in ourselves and others. This weekend was the Reebok CrossFit Games and it’s most literally a stage that supports the most amazing displays of human greatness.
Beyond the obvious examples of this, however, were my favorite moments like when little Cody Anderson, who’s listed at 5’7″ and 160 pounds, stole the show with his gymnastics dominating multiple bodyweight events only to, moments later, have the crowd on its feet cheering him on as he attempted to finish the clean ladder (in last place) at a weight of 310 pounds. He did it. It was a miracle. And, he got more cheers than the guy that won the heat did.
Other moments of greatness included countless hugs and words of encouragement from old friends and even strangers that had only the best of things to say about you all. The students of DEUCE Gym have found a way to inspire, encourage, and even spark a bit of envy in men and women from around the world. You are great!
Heck, we all are. That’s the point. So, if you pay attention you’ve got all the entertainment and beauty you’ll ever need right in front of you. The greatness that both you and your classmates display on a daily basis is exactly why folks pay money to go watch sporting events like the CrossFit Games.
“You’re doing great. Keep going.”
Logan Gelbrich
7/28/14 WOD
Complete three rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12 Pull Ups