Imagine a sport based on strength and conditioning with the goal of crowning the fittest man and woman on Earth. Well, there is such a thing. As a matter of fact, each year it takes place here in Southern California.
This weekend the Stub Hub Center is playing host to the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games. The athletes have already completed a surprise workout at Hermosa Beach involving an open water swim, thrusters, and burpees in the sand, followed by a separate event that involved finding their one rep maxes in the overhead squat. The rest of the competition will be include a multitude of unknown tasks to test every element of fitness with methods not dissimilar to the things you all do at DEUCE Gym each and every day.
You’re already an expert in the sport!
The action continues this weekend starting today in Carson. If you can’t make it down to the venue, you can find all the action streaming LIVE on ESPN 3. I bet you’ll find some motivation in catching a glimpse of it in action, so check it out!
Logan Gelbrich
7/25/14 WOD
Complete for time:
200m Run
50 DU
40 Squats
30 Pull-ups
20 Push Ups