So, there’s more than one way to get the job done, if you will. Around here, “getting the job done” most often means maximum efficiency. This fellow here has chosen a more artistic, less efficient use of his time. I’d argue given his purpose, however, his approach was perfect. I bet he uses a different approach to put his pants on when not filming funny videos.
Though there are times to show maximum expression of strength or skill in a movement (l-pull ups or straddle rope climbs, for example), much of our work here, however, speaks to efficiency. This sounds much like, “Here’s the task. Let’s see how quickly and efficiently you can accomplish it.” Or, “let’s see how efficient you can be with your time to accomplish as much work as possible in ten minutes.” In these scenarios, choosing to move less efficiently doesn’t serve our purpose.
Failing to fully maximize your hips in a push press, for example, lacks efficiency much like putting your pants on without using your hands does. Sure, it’s a silly example, but I’m sure two things have happened here. First, this young man’s video just made your day, and secondly, you’re thinking about making things easier on yourself in the gym.
Logan Gelbrich
7/1/14 WOD
Complete 4 rounds:
Every :15 for 1 min, perform 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead (AHAP)
-Rest 1 minute-
5 Rounds for time of:
9 Box Jumps (24/20)
6 KB Snatches (70/53)
50′ Bear Crawl (25′ down and back)
-Rest 1 minute-