If you’re running around town, or the internet, looking for the next big thing in fitness, you’re probably falling victim to the same trap that everyone else that’s struggling in fitness is. This stuff is basic. Simple quality movement that’s worth your time, always challenging, and has stood the test of time is the only real place to invest your time and money in.
I read a brilliant insight into one man’s lackluster fitness experience, which was only turned around by the uber straightforward work in Coach Rippitoe’s “Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training.” What came as a shocker to the author was that the bells and whistles of the latest fitness crazes lacked production value. Instead the painfully simple and painfully difficulty of basic barbell training yielded surprising progress.
If you did your ‘Intro Session’ with me, you may recognize the experience at DEUCE Gym being described as “the end of the road.”
There’s no more searching around from yoga to Pilates to CrossFit to a personal trainer and back, because our training is pure, basic movement. We haven’t invented anything. In fact, our training is so well traveled that much of it is hundreds of years old.
There’s no need to treat fitness like it’s an Apple product. There isn’t newer, better, more advanced training coming. It’s just old school human movement. And, the author agrees that “the answer, it turns out, is that there are no cutting-edge scientific studies.”
Let’s get out of the theory and buzz of the fitness industry and into the practical performance of real life training, eh?
Logan Gelbrich
6/19/14 WOD
(Touch and Go) Cleans
Complete five rounds for time of:
20 Pushups
200m Run
-Rest 2 min-