Ever needed a pep talk in your back pocket? Pep talks get old and sometimes when you need them most is when you’re least in the mood to hear them. They’re often corny and unless you’re on the same page as the speaker, they can even be annoying.
“Chin up high… Yeah, yeah. I get it..”
The idea that I keep in my back pocket for when I’m unmotivated, tired, or stressed is a simple one. Leaving aside how I feel, I ask myself what kind of person I’d like to be. Then, I can address the fact I am tired or I am unmotivated and accept it. Getting psyched up and pretending seems dumb to me.
If I can recognize that today isn’t my day and show up to put in the work anyway, because that’s the type of person that I’d like to be then everything begins to feel right with the world.
You’re going to have those days. We all are. But, I think most of us would agree that we’d like to be the kind of person that is resilient and shows up. Forget the fake smile. Put in the work when you’re having a bad day, because that too takes practice. And yes, you do want to be good at it.
Logan Gelbrich
6/12/14 WOD
Complete two rounds for reps:
2 Min Max Sledge Hammer Strikes
2 Min Max Over the Box Burpees
2 Min Max Keg to Shoulder
2 Min Max KB Goblet Lunges (53/35)
-Rest 2 min-