Well, it’s here! Possibly the coolest thing since Zach Morris’ cell phone. DEUCE Gym has done it again. Completely original and never to be out done, our Leisure Team has come up with the DEUCE Gym Coffee Club! Inside this club, we’ll encourage activities like sipping on both cold and heated coffees while meandering about this oasis we all hold so dear to our hearts.

Here are the details…
- Cost: $50/year
- Includes DEUCE Gym Coffee Mug (kept on site)
- Includes Personalized Real Estate in DEUCE Gyms Coffee Bar
- Includes as much Caveman Coffee as you can handle
- Includes Caveman Coffee making privileges (we have a grinder, french press, and hot pot)
We are so excited to now offer a social club with no working out required, although it is highly encouraged. We also encourage witty conversation, jokes, harmonizing, and general tomfoolery. The smell of many leather-bound books is usually in the air, with the tantalizing aroma of fresh Caveman Coffee. You can come in any time and make coffee anytime and hang out as long as you wish (during normal business hours).This place has been known to house some unique and top notch individuals, and I am sure this will only continue. Feel free to dress casually, or dress as the picture suggests. Beards are always welcome and encouraged, as well.Let’s make this thing legendary!
Danny Lesslie
5/20/14 WOD
3×6 Barbell Row
3×6 Romanian Deadlifts
Complete 8 rounds for time of:
10 One Arm KB Front Rack Walking Lunges (53/35)
Sprint 100’ Shuttle
*Rounds start every :90
*Athletes receive 8 scores