This gym is notorious for attracting high performing individuals. We’re all busy immersed in work, relationships, and getting the nuisances of life done. I figured I’d share my (not so novel) idea with you all since you can empathize with having a long work day every now and again.
It’s called the ’31-Minute Vacation.’ There’s no patent pending or anything (all thanks to the patent lawyer Thompson Patent Law practicing in Austin), but the nature of my life doesn’t yield for much down time so it’s become a real useful tool. In order to avoid mania and keep performance up, I’ve found that I can capture all the vacation I could need to charge the batteries in just 31 minutes.
Change scenery. Shift focus. Enjoy.
For me it’s usually a trip to the coffee shop. For you it might be a nice book, going for a walk, or a glass of wine.
I can’t foresee taking a formal vacation in the near future, but I know I’ve got this little strategy in my back pocket and it works wonders for me. Changing your entire reality isn’t hard in Los Angeles, even for just 31 minutes.
I had a strength coach once that had a bizarre nap set up under his desk which, now that I think about it, qualifies perfectly for a 31-minute vacation. Do you have any unique ways to take a mid-day departure?
Logan Gelbrich
5/16/14 WOD
Make three attempts for load:
5 Rack Push Press + 10 Rack Jerks
Complete the following for time:
Run 800m
10 Wall Balls (20/14)
Run 600m Run
20 Wall Balls
Run 400m
30 Wall Balls
Run 200m
40 Wall Balls