Just yesterday multiple students accomplished a very big goal. You see, the most common performance goal we hear during our prospective students’ ‘Intro Sessions’ is to get a pull up. A handful of you just crossed that big hairy goal off the list. Congrats!
Critical to successful goal setting, however, is the ability to reevaluate after your goals have changed or been accomplished. Since a few of you are the proud new owners of an accomplished goal, you may need a new one. And, what a fine day it is to set a new goal!
Today you’ll find your twenty rep max back squat, which just so happens to be a great measuring tool for strength. See what I’m getting at here?
I propose that you find your baseline today in the twenty rep max back squat and set a goal for the future based on your performance today. This goal is a great measuring stick for overall strength and the timing is right!
Who’s with me?
Logan Gelbrich
4/24/14 WOD
Find 20 RM Back Squat
Then, complete the following for time:
150 KB Swings (53/35)