When you come into the gym, what do you do? Are you one of the athletes that is rolling around on a lacrosse ball or foam roller? Are you thinking about what tight spots you have before you come into the gym? Are you actively pursuing greater mobility and greater range of motion? Are you a person that just lives with the discomfort?
This fitness experience is definitely an interactive thing. You can have a tremendous effect on how your body feels. Soreness/tightness is not always a bad thing. It can give you a lot of information, and provide clues as to what your body is looking for and how you are moving.
If today is a heavy squat day, do you know how to prepare your body? What if we are going overhead, are you familiar with ways to prepare yourself? Granted when you are taking class, we will get you ready for what is coming your way, but it is great to have a few “go-to’s” in your back pocket.
If you are not sure what to do, ask a coach. A lot can be done in the 5-10 min before class. We all have our unique challenges with our bodies. A little well placed mobility can have a huge effect on your overall experience and your progress.
Also homework is another way to get ahead of the game. If mobility is your struggle, if strength is your struggle, if lack of knowledge is your struggle, let’s get this thing figured out. Time away from class can also be very productive. Let your coach know where you are struggling.
Danny Lesslie
4/22/14 WOD
-Rest 1 Min-
-Rest 3 Min-
Complete the following for time:
200m Run
30 KB Swings (70/53)
30 Shoulder-to-Overhead
50′ Front Rack Lunges
30 KB Cleans
20 Burpees
50′ Front Rack Lunges