DEUCE Gym will be opening its doors to the women of Southern California for a unique strongman event called, ‘Precious Stones.’ The strongman social will feature a workshop-like atmosphere with an emphasis on empowerment and fun.
The event will take place May 3rd at 2PM, during which ladies will learn movements surrounding atlas stones, tires, farmer’s handles, and kegs. The event is open to women of all fitness levels and we will have champagne and mimosas to follow!
The admission is $20. The event will be lead by female strongman coaches, Dr. Lindsey Mathews D.C. and Emily Russak. All are welcome!
Make it ‘Facebook Official’ here.
Logan Gelbrich
4/13/14 WOD
1 (Full) Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
4 Snatches (135/95)
200m Run