As I write this, it’s just been several hours since I completed Coach Carl Paoli’s Freestyle Connection Seminar at CrossFit Invictus in San Diego. Eric Walker, Chris Pascual, Tait Fletcher, and I were so blessed to get a chance to listen to Carl build a language for human movement, practice some progressions, meet some inspiring peers of ours, and apply new perspective to skill transfer.
A simple idea of Carl’s that I’d like to share with you is a basic reminder. Our personal successes cannot be enjoyed alone. Don’t forget that. Critical to human progress is sharing our successes.
We all have a job in this community to share in each other’s experience. Believe it or not, you are a critical element in your classmates success. And, they are critical of yours.
Begin to think about your achievements, hopes, goals, and triumphs as things to be shared with the community around you and you may find yourself able to enjoy them even more. I can’t wait to show you all what’s in store for me in 2014, and I hope you are just as eager to show me what you can do, too.
Logan Gelbrich
4/7/14 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
7 Front Squats (185/125)
50 Double Unders
10 Depth HSPU (or Push Ups)