Admitting that there is an element of skill in a craft immediately gives you, the participant, some control. If any craft was without skill, it’d be based purely on innate ability and/or chance. The world, however, isn’t “fixed” if things like fitness, relationships, or careers are skill-based.
Skills, as we know, can be improved. With a skill-based perspective, one doesn’t need to be genetically gifted, young, healthy, or athletic to earn great fitness, for example. In addition, with a mind that views one’s ability to develop relationships as a skill, ideas like being someone who is “not good when it comes to feelings” doesn’t exist. Lastly, if I believe that life is a game of skill, then I can earn enough of a skill set to choose any damn job I want.
But, that’s a growth mindset.
Not everyone has a growth mindset. To be honest, lots of people have a fixed mindset that tells them things like “I’ve never been an athlete, so I can’t do all that fitness stuff.” Or, they’ll tell you they aren’t twenty any more, so certain strength, body composition, or performance goals are out of reach, for example.
If you haven’t already, it’s about time that you get on board with improving skill. To me, if you want to get strong but you aren’t interested in moving well, you aren’t really interested in getting strong at all. In addition, I hear that you want muscle ups/chest to bar pull ups/toes-to-bar but what I am seeing is you aren’t even willing to kip with your legs together and toes pointed.
If you aren’t playing the game to improve skill, then you’re playing a game that relies on chance and talent. Since neither chance nor talent is in your control, I suggest you switch games.
Logan Gelbrich
4/4/14 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
20 Kipping Swing (Arch/Hollow)
5 Strict HSPU
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
10 Turkish Getups (70/53; 5 R / 5 L)
50 Double Unders