In college, our team sports psychologist once made us all write down the following words in our notebooks:
“The only thing standing between me and my goals is my own mind.”
It’s from that point on that I knew I couldn’t underestimate the importance of what was happening “between the ears.” At the end of the day, there are things we can control and there are things we can’t control. The individuals that perform best are often those that manage that which they can control best.
Check out the video above for three specific tips to master the moment because, after all, performing is hard enough when you’re not getting in your own way. Get your mind right!
Logan Gelbrich
4/2/14 WOD
Strict Press
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
In 4 minutes..
400m Run
Max Cleans (185/115)
-Rest 4 minutes-