As you probably know by now, over the past five weeks we’ve been taking part in the Reebok Crossfit Games Open. It’s a worldwide invitational fitness competition that serves as the first step in crowning the ‘Fittest on Earth.’ Being that tonight is the 5th and final workout, I’d like to share some great news with you all.
We won!
That’s right. DEUCE Gym and our extended community won. I mean, we kind of won. We aren’t sending anyone to the next round in our inaugural year, but when it comes to what we are walking away from this competition with we absolutely won.
We exceeded any expectation of both participation and passion surrounding the event. I know that we are a more cohesive group simply for what has transpired these last five Friday’s together.
Furthermore, the way in which you all went about your business, the positivity you brought, and the support you shared is the victory. You’ll have to trust me when I say not every gym feels like this, and I’ve got to thank you for that.
If we show up like this every year, we’ll go undefeated. Congratulations!
Logan Gelbrich
3/28/14 WOD
CrossFit Games Open Workout 14.5
Complete the following for time:
Thrusters (95/65)
Bar Facing Burpees