May it’s the baseball in me, but I’m superstitious. I should have known better. In a staff meeting, four weeks ago, while discussing a top secret project for DEUCE Gym, I put my foot in my mouth with these foretelling 17 words:
“Then again, Castro could put rowing in the Open and we’d really be in a tight spot…”
Well, the workout is out and it will begin with a 60 calorie row. Though they are in our future, we currently don’t have rowers at DEUCE.
Have no fear, however. It’s with a huge smile that I confirm that we will complete 14.4 as it’s written for no other reason than the fact that we have the best friends in the world. Our mentors at CrossFit LA have stepped up in a huge way and allowed us to use some of their fleet. Our own student body, too, immediately came out of the woodwork to support. Will Peddie, Lani Taylor, and Keith Queen – Thank you!
If you have the chance to, please tip your hat to these great people. LOVE!
Logan Gelbrich
3/21/14 WOD
Reebok CrossFit Open Workout 14.4
60 Cal Row
50 Toes-to-Bar
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 Cleans (135/95)
20 Muscle Ups