We’re always asking questions around here about how we can be better. Recently rockstar student, Thai Checel, shared a dream of hers that she’d be harboring for years about developing a program that coupled her teaching career with her passion for fitness.
Until now, Thai didn’t see an opportunity to make her dream a reality. Finding DEUCE, however, changed all that.
We’re thrilled to announce our newest specialty course for teens. CrossFit Test Prep will utilize the proven performance and efficacy of GPP training in immediate succession with standardized test prep. Not only is fitness scientifically proven to improve the synapses of learning, but both the training program and the course work program will stand up to the highest of standards independently. Thai has an all-star team, too. With the help of Danny Lesslie and Aabria Lipscomb, the program is sure to soar.
Do you or someone you know have high school aged children with interest in the program? Click here for more details.
Logan Gelbrich
3/20/14 WOD
Complete 6 rounds for time of:
15 KB Snatch (53/35)
50′ KB OH Walking Lunge
15 KB Clean
50′ KB Front Rack Walking Lunge