The term “fitness” can be a nebulous one. It provokes an array imagery and thoughts in different people, and defining it is even harder still. CrossFit, however, is arguably the first entity to set out to define true fitness. It’s definition?
“Fitness is work capacity across broad time and modal domains.”
The definition is a combination of defining elements from health markers to having capacity across an endless spectrum of specific tasks. It also includes psychological abilities across the various metabolic engines that our body use to perform work, including those executed with and without oxygen, and a level of excellence in each of the body’s ten general physical skills.
This definition of fitness is comprehensive, to say the least.
The scientific method-like nature of CrossFit conveniently allows the ability to test fitness, as well. It’s from this seed that The CrossFit Games were born. And, if you take the time to watch the video above, I think any doubt surrounding the definition of fitness or the ethos of training will subside.
Join us this Friday as we take on the first of five invitational workouts in the 2014 Reebok CrossFit Open. Register with our team here!
Logan Gelbrich
2/26/14 WOD
Beginner/Intermediate – EMOM 10
Odd: 15 Banded Good Mornings
Even: 3 Hang Power Snatches
Advanced – EMOM 10
Odd: 15 Banded Good Mornings
Even: 3 hang Snatches
Complete 6 rounds for time:
Max Dynamic Push Ups
50′ Overhead Carry (AHAP)