DEUCE Gym has a little talked about, often coveted program within the community that prepares those that are interested to develop their ability to coach strength and conditioning. The ‘Coach’s Prep’ program, as it’s called, is a rigorous program that includes weekly classes, a mentorship, slotted shadowing assignments, ruthless critique, and a tiered testing program.
Simply put, it’d be easier to open your own gym than to become a coach here. It’s fun, but necessarily rigorous. There are currently half a dozen of your peers in the program as we speak. Some of them, including Emily, have been enrolled since before DEUCE was in existence.
We’re proud to announce that not only is our own Emily Russak the top of her class, she’s passed both her ‘Level I’ written test and her ‘Level II’ verbal exam. Starting Wednesday, Emily will be the first to advance in the program and join our coaching staff.
I’ve got to say that it’s been fun to watch. Since interviewing “Embo” to become an intern at CrossFit Los Angeles, she’s come a long way. Most incredibly, she’s created exactly the life she wanted in the face of critique and what others would call “common sense.” She said it and she did it. And, if that’s not the name of the game, I don’t know what is.
I’ve never seen a coach captivate a room like she can. As an inspiring, permanently-fun leader in our community, I know Emily will hold the standard as a new coach. I’m proud of you, Emily, and can’t wait to see you do your thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Emily to the greatest program in the land. Congratulations, Embo!
Logan Gelbrich
2/18/14 WOD
Find 50′ Max Yoke Carry
45 Pull Ups
90 Double Unders
45 Push Ups
90 Double Unders