Perspective is everything. Take a look at the following scenarios:
You’ve just lost the workout to your CrossFit rival in the final minutes and seconds of a workout. Or, you’ve successfully leveraged the power of the community to push more so than you ever could without your “nemesis.” In turn, you’ve maximized your training today.
You weren’t able to make even 85% of your personal best deadlift. You’re weak and your training is currently ineffective. Or, you now have a tangible reason to finally address your sleep, stress, and nutrition habits because you realize that you’re under recovered.
You still can’t get double unders, which is fitting because you aren’t a natural athlete. You never have been. You’re destined to suck at this, obviously. Or, getting double unders is officially the newest thing you’ve set out to learn. Historically speaking, you can be as good at double unders as you are at making breakfast with enough time and effort.
Maybe some of these examples are corny. Maybe they aren’t. In any case, they’re real. In each scenario, a single result is reflected with two different types of self-talk. As hard as it may be to swallow, perspective is everything. Luckily for us, perspective is something we can choose.
Choose a perspective of growth. It pays (literally).
Logan Gelbrich
2/12/14 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for reps of:
1 Minute Max Sledge Hammer Strikes
1 Minute Max Shoulder-to-Overhead (95/65)
1 Minute Max Box Jumps (24/20)
1 Minute Max KB Swings (53/35)
1 Minute Max Wall Balls
-Rest 1 minute-