With 28 days left in the Whole Life Challenge, you may be getting a bit stir crazy. With the novelty of the challenge long gone and the rigor of the rules as firm as ever, we figured we’d get the momentum going with a potluck social at the gym.
The Whole Life Challenge Potluck will be held at DEUCE Gym at 8PM on Tuesday night, and all are welcome. If you’d like to come, all that we ask is that you bring a challenge friendly meal to the event with enough to feed 6-7 people.
As active participants, we know that socializing, food variety, and general fun can be scarce during the challenge. Next Tuesday will fix all that. Whether you’re playing the challenge or not, please join us for good food and better company.
Logan Gelbrich
2/7/14 WOD
Complete 6 rounds for time of:
8 Strict Pull Ups
50′ Front Carry (AHAP)
8 Burpees
50′ Front Carry
-Rest 1 min-