Remember your ‘Intro?’ You were a young strength and conditioning whipper-snapper looking to change your life. And, that dreaded “Baseline,” was was harder than it looked, wasn’t it?
Zero percent of prospective students dominate “The Baseline.” Whether it takes you four minutes, fifteen minutes, or you don’t finish at all, it’s an experience you’ll likely not forget.
As a performance based gym, it is our charter to build tangible fitness. Tomorrow, you’ll have a chance to revisit “The Baseline.” Be prepared to ring that bell, too.
Ladies and gentlemen, you’re not the same person that walked in here for that “Intro Session” some time ago. Let’s find out just how far you’ve come today!
Post “Baseline” predictions to comments.
Logan Gelbrich
2/5/14 WOD
400m Run
40 Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups