“Is that all?”

I want to tell you something about you. I don’t me “you” the community, I mean you the person reading this sentence. If you can grasp the magnitude of what I’m about to say, it may change your perspective forever. Here it is:

You can’t know the full extent of your potential. 

It’s impossible. Some of you may say you agree with me, while having a ball park idea. Stop that. What I’m telling you is that your brain can’t conceive within a million miles of accuracy what you’re capable of.

Tait with the rest of the cast of Breaking Bad after their SAG Award victory.

Tait with the rest of the cast of Breaking Bad after their SAG Award victory.

When you step outside of your bubble of work, life, rinse, and repeat for a second, I want you to think about what I’m saying. Being a millionaire, an inventor, ultra-fit, and/or “crazy successful” may be lofty, but what I’m telling you is that even these ideas build a fence around your potential.

So, you can be the President, a millionaire philanthropist, and author, you say? To which, I’d say, “Is that all?”


Logan Gelbrich





1/26/14 WOD

Complete 3 rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters (135/95)
15 Pullups